SAIMA is a non profit organization working for the women, children and rural uplift with residential facilities, fully equipped with day care and providing education and training to mental retarded children with behavior problem and multiple disables like Autism, Slow learner, Cerebral Palsy etc. We also have given priority for Human Resources Development by establishing training institutes.
The main aim of the SAIMA is to bring about mutual understanding, discipline,brotherhood and co-operation to develop education ,culture ,literature, science ,sports ,games and economic upliftment among rural folks ,women and children to intensify social ,cultural ,scientifical and literacy movement, through popularization of science and health programme ,literacy through social voluntary associations, organized by well established statesmen ,poets writers ,individual social workers and community, to promote communal harmony ,echological awareness.
B.Ed Application Form & Prospectus
M.Ed Application Form & Prospectus
Advanced Certificate in Inclusive Education (Form)
Advanced Certificate in Inclusive Education (Letter)